Founder & Chief Medical Officer
James Allen Greene, MD, DLFAPA, FAC

Dr. Greene, a geriatric psychiatrist and a gerontologist, is board-certified in both neuropsychiatry and family practice. After developing inpatient programs for several hospitals in Tampa, Florida and Knoxville, Tennessee, he left private practice to found Geriatric Medical Care, Inc. and take his concepts of geriatric psychiatry program management to other hospitals. Geriatric Medical Care (GMC) was founded in 1992, and focused on managing geriatric inpatient and outpatient care programs in 7 states. The company gained national attention and become the 5th largest behavioral health contract management firm before being acquired in 1997. Psychiatric Medical Care (PMC) was founded in 2003, with Dr. Greene’s support and counsel. He provides ongoing consultation to the PMC executive leadership team and serves as Medical Director of four Senior Life Solutions programs.
His professional career spans 50 years, 40 years of that in active clinical practice or academic teaching and over 30 years in geriatric psychiatry. In 2005, Dr. Greene was named Interim Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine and permanent Chair in 2008, where he continues to provide strategic leadership that is guiding the department into the 21st century. Along with his current roles, he serves as an elected member of the American Psychiatric Association’s Board of Trustees and has served as chairman of the APA’s Committee on Long Term Care and Treatment of the Elderly and the Committee on Access and Effectiveness of Psychiatric Services, and as a member of the APA Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Management. He has served as Secretary and on the Board of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) and represented AAGP in the American Medical Association’s Specialty and Service Societies.
He has served on the Board of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) in his capacity as first chairman of COSAR (Council of State Affiliate Representatives). For more than 12 years he also served as AGS Alternate Delegate to the AMA House of Delegates. Dr. Greene has also served three terms as president of the Tennessee Psychiatric Association and was also President of the Southern Psychiatric Association. He was also elected a Fellow in the American College of Psychiatrists.
While Associate Director of the Geropsychiatric Training Program at the University of South Florida, he was the 1980 recipient of the NIA Academic Medicine Award in Geriatric Mental Health. He was the charter recipient of the AGS Clinician of the Year award (1989) and is included in multiple editions of The Best Doctors in America. Dr. Greene was the only psychiatrist named a delegate to the 1995 White House Conference on Aging. He has served as a specialist site reviewer of geriatric psychiatry fellowship programs and a pre-reviewer for subspecialty programs in geriatric internal medicine for ACGME. He has published three books and more than 40 articles on age-related issues and disorders.