Suicide Prevention Month 2022 Week 2
Death by suicide is a worldwide health epidemic. Suicidal ideation and death by suicide are incredibly complex with multiple factors playing a part. These factors include things like brain chemistry, trauma history, social and cultural environment, and current stressors. There is still much unknown about death by suicide.
Recent data released by the CDC was surprising. It showed a 3% reduction in death by suicide in 2020 despite an increase in reported depression and anxiety during the pandemic. There was anticipation that death by suicide could potentially see an increase as well, however, thankfully that did not occur. The “why” behind the numbers is difficult to deduce and further emphasizes the complexities around death by suicide. Let us look at the data offered by the CDC.
Suicide Mortality in the US from 2000-2020
- After increasing from 2000 through 2018, the age-adjusted suicide rate declined from 2018 (14.2 per 100,000) to 2020 (13.5).
- Suicide rates for females in all age groups over age 25 showed recent declines, while rates for those aged 10–14 and 15–24 have increased.
- Between 2018 and 2020, suicide rates decreased in males aged 45–64 and 65–74.
- For females in 2020, the rate of firearm-related suicide (1.8) was higher than rates of suicide by poisoning (1.5) and suffocation (1.7).
- For males in 2020, the leading means of suicide was firearm (12.5), at a rate twice that of suffocation (6.1), the second leading means.
This graphic from the CDC (source) on death by suicide by age range for 2019 and 2020 shows that while it is wonderful that we see a 3% overall decline the number of deaths by suicide is still high and did increase for some age groups.
Next week, we will discuss the different influential facets that can contribute to suicidal ideation and death by suicide. Understanding these factors can help us when making clinical decisions regarding a person’s suicide risk.
If you or someone you know is in need of a behavioral health placement, behavioral health referral, or experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis, please do not use this website. Instead, use these crisis resources to speak with someone now or access local support.